Asbestos Surveys

M&W’s surveyors all hold a professional P402 qualification from the British Occupational Hygiene Society as a minimum, and all have extensive experience in carrying out asbestos surveys in all types of commercial and domestic property. The purpose of the survey, and its scope, will be discussed and agreed beforehand, to ensure you get the information you need at the first attempt.
Our survey method strictly adheres to the Health & Safety Executive’s HSG 264 Survey Guide that places responsibility on both you, the Duty Holder, and us, the surveyors to identify asbestos if it is present in your building.

There are two types of asbestos survey, and we can help you select the survey which is suitable for your needs:

Management Asbestos Survey:

A Management Asbestos Survey is the minimum required by law for non-domestic property built pre-2000 (formerly known as a Type 2 survey).

A non-intrusive survey covering all visible and accessible areas of the property, it is designed to account for general daily activities likely to occur within a property during normal occupation and use – including maintenance.

The survey will be undertaken by an experienced asbestos surveyor, adhering to HSE document HSG 264: The Survey Guide, and will identify any asbestos materials present and show the results in a tabulated Asbestos Register.

A Dutyholder who has not fulfilled their legal responsibility regarding asbestos can face prosecution by the HSE (Health and Safety Executive), especially if an employee, tenant or member of the public is exposed to asbestos.

The Management Survey report will detail the asbestos type, location, extent, and condition, and make recommendations for any remedial action to be taken. The Dutyholder should then draw up an Asbestos Management Plan to prevent disturbance of the asbestos to protect employees, tenants or contractors from exposure to harmful airborne fibres.

Refurbishment/Demolition Asbestos Survey:

The Refurbishment / Demolition Asbestos Survey is required where the premises, or any part of it, is to be refurbished or demolished (formerly known as a Type 3 survey).

By law you will need to commission this survey prior to any demolition or significant works to a property built before 2000. ‘Significant’ might mean removing walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows etc. or installing new plant or equipment. The survey will target the areas in which the specific works which will be carried out.

A Refurbishment/Demolition Survey is highly intrusive and involves destructive inspection methods such as lifting floors, breaking through walls and ceilings to gain access to all areas within the building. Ideally the area being surveyed will not be occupied.

The HSG 264 Survey Guide stipulates that the Dutyholder (i.e. the owner or maintaining tenant of a property) should provide the surveyor with as much information about the site as possible, site plans, any previous survey reports available, site photos, or site hazards prior to the survey.

Any Duty Holder not fulfilling their legal responsibility regarding asbestos can face prosecution by the HSE, especially if workers or members of the public are exposed to asbestos.

Once completed, the survey report will state the location, presence and extent of asbestos containing materials and debris, and detail any remedial/removal action required before the refurbishment or demolition is undertaken.

Asbestos Management

Asbestos Surveys

Asbestos Consultancy

Asbestos Sampling

Asbestos Training